Strona główna » KGHM Group publish very good financial results

KGHM Group publish very good financial results

The KGHM Group summarizes 2021 with increases in production, revenues, record operating results and a solid net result. KGHM has also presented the highest value of adjusted EBITDA in history, amounting to PLN 10.3 billion. The copper giant recorded 6% of the increase in copper production within the entire group.

In 2021, the entire capital group recorded an increase in copper production by 6.3%, i.e. by 44.6 thousand tons more than in 2020. The increase in production and sales, combined with the good economic situation for copper, translated into over 26% increase in the group’s revenues, which amounted to PLN 29.8 billion.

The KGHM Group ended the past year with a very high consolidated net result, which increased by as much as 242.5% compared to the previous year, to the amount of PLN 6.2 billion.

In its announcement, KGHM also stated that in 2021 the company’s management adopted the Climate Policy, and then updated the company’s strategy, adding to 4 e- points (elastyczność- flexibility, efficiency, ecology, e-industry), another e- point, i.e. energy.

KGHM’s ambition is to effectively increase the share of renewable energy sources and own production in realizing energy demand. The company has its own low-emission generation sources fueled with gas fuel. It is also developing renewable energy projects, including photovoltaic power plants in areas owned by KGHM.

One of KGHM’s key projects will be the implementation of the Small Modular Reactor (SMR). The company has signed an agreement with the American technology provider NuScale Power. In addition, KGHM joined the sectoral agreement for the development of offshore wind energy. The company is also involved in the construction of the Lower Silesian Hydrogen Valley, seeing the potential for the use of hydrogen, e.g. in steel mills.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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