Strona główna » Joint statement after Duda-Johnson meeting: Polish- UK committee and tripling aid to refugees

Joint statement after Duda-Johnson meeting: Polish- UK committee and tripling aid to refugees

by Dignity News
President Andrzej Duda met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to discuss support for Ukraine. In a joint statement, the two leaders announced the beginning of a new era in mutual relations, including the launch of activities to expand current European security cooperation and strengthen it for the years to come.

“The United Kingdom and Poland share the assessment of threats and challenges to Euro-Atlantic security and commit to collective defense within the North Atlantic Alliance”, emphasized both leaders.

They called on Putin to end hostilities and withdraw Russian forces, make an immediate ceasefire, and allow food and medical supplies to be delivered. They also announced the creation of a joint committee.

“We agreed that we would propose the establishment of a Poland-United Kingdom Joint Commission, which will support Ukraine in long-term coordination of weapons supplies and training, as well as help Ukraine in identifying the needs and modernizing the army. We have clearly heard that the ambition of Ukrainian leaders is that their country should stop relying on Soviet-era equipment and adopt Western technologies. The security of Ukraine is also our security”, announced the leaders.

The statement emphasized that Poles opened their homes and hearts to receive the largest part of Ukrainian refugees, hosting over 1.8 million Ukrainians, and thus deserve the support of all Europeans.

“The UK will therefore triple its support to Poland to £ 30m to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees temporarily in Poland, including temporary shelter, education and other basic services. The UK visa scheme is open and is uncapped,” says Boris Johnson.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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