Strona główna » In May, Poles feel over 16% of inflation in stores. The record prices still ahead.

In May, Poles feel over 16% of inflation in stores. The record prices still ahead.

by Dignity News
According to the report “Index of Prices in Retail Stores” by UCE RESEARCH and WSB Schools, in May, there was average inflation of 16.7% for market products which were more expensive than last year. The research covered all discount stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience and cash & carry chains operating in 16 provinces. In total, nearly 24 thousand prices from almost 40 thousand outlets belonging to 63 retail chains were assessed.

Out of 12 monitored categories, in May, once again, fat products rose in price with an average of 54.8% The so-called various products increased by 36.9%. In this group of goods, dog food increased on average by 61.8%, and cat food – by 14.8%. Baby diapers grew by 17.6%.

The increase in the prices of consumer goods is mainly influenced by the dynamically rising charges for electricity and more expensive fuels. The economic consequences of the war abroad are also of key importance. In addition, the prices are boosted by factors such as the unknown level of cereal production this year in Ukraine and the unregulated form of their transport”, says Dr Hubert Gąsiński from the WSB University in Warsaw.

The bread was ranked third in the list of the most expensive categories. It was an average of 29.9%. Meat took the fourth position, with an average rise of the price of 26.8%. Beef hit 36%, and poultry 25.1%. Pork reached 12.7%.

The fifth place is dairy products, which on average increased by 24.1%. The ranking is followed by various products with an increase of 22.4% y-y. Flour grew most recently, by 47.7%. Sugar by 41.5% and pasta by 30.7%. Stimulants hit 13.4%, as well as food additives – 11.8 %.

Experts from WSB warn that the worst rate hikes are yet to come. Each week of the armed conflict in Ukraine will raise retail prices in stores higher and higher. If the import of grains and fats from Ukraine is further blocked, especially after the harvest season, the situation in the food market may deteriorate dramatically.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński order

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