Strona główna » European Commission approves the National Reconstruction Plan for Poland

European Commission approves the National Reconstruction Plan for Poland

by Dignity News
The European Commission approved the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO) for Poland on Wednesday. It releases billions of euros to finance public investment.

“Today we talked about the Polish KPO. After discussion and the College of Commissioners agreed to submit a request to the Council of the EU to implement the plan. The President of the European Commission will go to Warsaw tomorrow (Thursday) to present it, as she did with all other reconstruction plans, said Paolo Gentiloni, the EU economic commissioner.

In an official communication, the Commission announced that the positive assessment of the Polish plan is an important step towards the EU disbursement of EUR 23.9 billion in subsidies and EUR 11.5 billion in loans under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Grzegorz Puda, announced that the investments and reforms planned in the KPO will allow Poland to better face the demographic challenges and climate change, and to create and use new technologies and digital solutions.

The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy will coordinate the cooperation of ministries in the process of preparation and implementation of 48 reforms and 117 related milestones as well as 54 investments and 166 related indicators.

“The reforms and investments planned in the KPO are aimed not so much at restoring the economy to the state before the COVID-19 pandemic, but at shifting it to new development paths so that we, as a state, can face demographic challenges and climate change, participate in creating and using new technologies, take advantage of the benefits of digitization. Everyone will feel the effects of the implementation of the KPO”, announced Puda and emphasized that 42.7% of KPO ​​are projects implementing climate goals.

“The second key area of ​​reform is digital transformation, to which Poland will allocate 20.85% of the KPO funds”, said the minister.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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