Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Eighth Government Strategic Investment Programme

Eighth Government Strategic Investment Programme

by Dignity News
Almost PLN 26 billion will be allocated to local authorities across Poland under the eighth Government Strategic Investment Pro-gramme. ‘Thanks to these additional funds, local governments can renovate roads, build kindergartens or sports fields or install the necessary lighting at pedestrian crossings’, announced the Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM)

The Chancellery recalled that since the beginning of the programme, more than PLN 71 billion has already been transferred to local authorities for investments.

‘I am very pleased to present the results of another call for proposals for the Government Strategic Investment Programme. This programme, which over the last few years has changed the image of our cities, towns, and villages beyond recognition. These investments include the projects close to the people, which are changing the lives of residents in every village, in every commune in Poland’, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

The head of the Polish government noted that the Council of Ministers is guided by the idea of sustainable development in its activities. ‘Thanks to the Government Strategic Investment Programme, several projects are underway across Poland that change the living comfort of residents. Thanks to this, Poles do not have to move to big cities – their needs are met in their locality. The neighbourhood develops and the inhabitants live better’, he added.

Under the eighth Programme, local authorities will receive nearly PLN 26 billion. As a result, 5,000 investments will be made all over Poland.

Each local government unit or association of local government units could submit a maximum of three applications for co-financing, including: 1 application, the co-financing value of which cannot exceed PLN 2 million, 1 application, the co-financing value of which cannot exceed PLN 8 million and 1 application, the co-financing value of which cannot exceed PLN 30 million.

Investment co-financing from the state budget will range from 80 to 95 %.

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