Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Directions of Development of Foreign Expansion of Polish Companies and the Economy

Directions of Development of Foreign Expansion of Polish Companies and the Economy

by Dignity News

“There are many challenges ahead of us related to the foreign expansion of Polish companies. The role of the public administration is to design appropriate and consistent actions that will foster the strengthening of Poland’s position on the international arena, and this is a necessity. Therefore, we have prepared a draft document, which will be a kind of compass for the whole system of support for Polish exports. Its public consultation will last until 18 April 2024”, informs Minister for Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman.

“We want to jointly work out the best possible, coherent and adapted to emerging challenges, framework for supporting the expansion of Polish companies on foreign markets. The related activities should be better coordinated to effectively support Polish exporters”, said the head of the Ministry of Development and Technology.

According to Deputy Minister Jacek Tomczak, it is crucial to strengthen the competitiveness of the Polish economy on global markets, to build a positive image of Polish business on a global scale and to support Polish exporters.

In the ‘Directions of Development of Foreign Expansion’, activities that respond to the challenges of foreign expansion have been indicated. An important element will be the concentration of support on key sectors of Polish exports and those that may in future determine the competitive position of our country in the world.

According to the Ministry of Development and Technology, we particularly care about a greater internationalisation of Polish companies (a larger number of exporters, especially Polish SMEs); a larger share of non-EU countries in Polish exports and further strengthening of economic relations with EU countries; Poland’s increasingly important position in global value-added chains (especially innovative industries) and a larger share of highly processed and high-tech products in Polish exports.

The document also identifies the challenges to be faced by the administration and entrepreneurs and presents a picture of the internationalisation of the Polish economy and the objectives of Poland’s export policy.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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