Strona główna » Deputy Minister of Climate to reduce the role of gas in favor of renewable energy sources

Deputy Minister of Climate to reduce the role of gas in favor of renewable energy sources

by Dignity News
The government is working on updating the State’s Energy Policy until 2040. “We are in the process of preparing precise assumptions for the new energy policy limiting the role of gas in the transition process of energy transformation towards renewable energy, coal-fired units and the nuclear power plant”, said Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński.

Guibourgé-Czetwertyński said during the conference “Prospects for the development of the Polish energy sector in Poland 2040” that Poland would want to limit the role of gas in the transition process of energy transformation to what is necessary.

“We will accelerate the development of zero-emission renewable energy sources and nuclear power plants. We will also use the existing coal units to supplement the capacity installed in renewable energy sources to close the system. These are the general principles of the revision of the energy policy, which were adopted by the Council of Ministers in March, right after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine”, said the deputy minister.

He added that the government is revising the entire energy policy and preparing its precise assumptions.

“Even if we have the possibility of importing gas, we will face a lot of competition on the market of this fuel in the European Union, because the other Member States will also want to import gas from, for example, Norway, the United States and Qatar”, emphasized the deputy minister of climate and environment.

Earlier, the head of the climate ministry Anna Moskwa said that the State’s Energy Policy until 2040 will include, as its first pillar, a new section on the country’s energy independence and sovereignty.

“We will describe the plan of the energy units’ modernization that we have agreed with the companies plus clean coal technologies. We want to include in this document the reform of renewable energy, the reform of the ETS”, enumerates Minister Moskwa emphasizing the activities aimed at “de-Russification” of the Polish and EU economy.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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