Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Dariusz Wieczorek intends the new ministry to ensure clear criteria for university financing

Dariusz Wieczorek intends the new ministry to ensure clear criteria for university financing

by Dignity News
“I have a vision of ‘Science 4.0’. New technologies, research, development are the key things if we want to keep up with the West”, said the new Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek on Thursday 14 December.

He also pointed out that his first decision as soon as he entered the ministry was to return the European Union flags to the Ministry of Science” The second thing will be a de-ideologised science. “I want to promise this to everyone. The new ministry will guarantee that there will be clear criteria for funding universities, there will be no preferences”, announced Wieczorek.

Asked about pay rises for university teachers, he assured that they would begin on 1 January. The Radio ZET guest explained that “before the elections, Mr Czarnek presented a draft regulation giving a 30 % pay rise, but there is no decision on the matter, he did not sign it because, strangely enough, that government forgot to include it in the draft budget”.

“We have to secure financing, wishing to maintain this regulation”, explained the new minister. According to Dariusz Wieczorek, staff have begun to flee universities and schools because of salaries. With such wages, in a while the minimum wage will be higher than the pay received today by doctoral students or PhD students working at universities”, added the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

Asked whether dormitories for PLN, he said: ‘Dormitories should be for students, but the question of whether for a 1, 2 or 10 PLN. it is a matter of determination as far as the budgetary situation is concerned.’

Asked earlier on Wednesday in the Sejm what is ahead for some academic institutions set up by the previous government such as the Institute for Renaissance and Baroque Studies, Minister Wieczorek said that decisions would already be made among the new leadership of the ministry. “Of course, I have a plan and all I can say is that all those pointless institutions that were created for political reasons and have no raison d’être will be dissolved”, he added.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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