Strona główna » Consumer sentiment slightly improved

Consumer sentiment slightly improved


Since the spring of last year, the research agency Inquiry has been conducting a periodic survey on price increases and their impact on Polish consumers. A vast majority of Poles perceive price increases for most product and service categories. However, for the first time in many months, in December 2022, this percentage dropped by several percentage points.

The survey shows that in December, 90% of Poles perceived a price increase (compared to 93/94% in previous months). Still, the highest number of Poles perceived an increase in the price of meat and charcuterie (71%), followed by bread (63%) and dairy (60%). However, these indications are several percentage points lower compared to October and November last year.

Indications for fish have definitely increased in the last month – most likely due to the more frequent purchase of this category during the festive season.

Furthermore, while the percentage of Poles noticing an increase in the prices of non-food products and services increased significantly in October, this result began to decline in the following months. Currently, an increase in prices in this area is noticed by 80% of respondents. The increase in prices of services is indicated much more frequently among residents of large cities. Above all, Poles feel the high prices of energy and gas, housing and catering services. Again, the percentage of people indicating these categories fell in December compared to the previous two months.

Still, for two-thirds of Poles, the current price rise is acute (62%), with women feeling it far more often. It is also invariably influencing our shopping behaviour: above all, Poles are looking for bargains more often, choosing cheaper products and cheaper shops. One in three respondents skips entertainment (cinema, theatre, concerts) and one in four skips catering services.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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