Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Company Centralny Port Komunikacyjny presents the investor variant of Port Solidarność

Company Centralny Port Komunikacyjny presents the investor variant of Port Solidarność

by Dignity News
The company Centralny Port Komunikacyjny presented the investor variant of Port Solidarność. The document puts forward the location of the investment, the net of roads and railways, and the location of the airport runways.

The preferred location of the Port of Solidarność is situated in the municipalities: Baranów, Teresin and Wiskitki. From December 2021 it covers an area of ​​approximately 41 square kilometres, occupying the north-western part of the land with an area of ​​approximately 78 square kilometres. Railway, road and accompanying investments are located partly also outside of it to ensure the continuity of infrastructure and connect with existing routes.

In the airport part of the project, there are two parallel runways, each 3,800 m long (north and south), which will be constructed along the east-west line, parallel to the existing A2 motorway. The midfield between them will be 2,500 m wide. The main facility of the Port will be a passenger terminal located on the southern side of the railway line.

The railway station planned as part of the Port will be fully integrated with the terminal, being one of the basic elements of the airport. It will provide a convenient, direct connection with Warsaw and Łódź. The station will be placed at a distance of 1,100 m from the northern runway and 1,400 m from the southern runway. The railway tunnel linked to the station will be constructed at a depth of approx. 14 meters below the future level of the airport.

The new passages will provide access for passengers and employees, they will also handle cargo transport connecting the new airport with the road network, including the A2 motorway and the national road No. 50 (DK50). Until the airport is launched, the 90-kilometre section of A2 Warszawa – Łódź will be extended by one lane in each direction, which will increase the capacity of this highway and facilitate access to the Port Solidarność.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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