Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » Climate and Environment Minister issues Package for the timber industry

Climate and Environment Minister issues Package for the timber industry

by Dignity News

Limiting the export of unprocessed timber abroad, transparency in the sale of this raw material or pro-climate localism are just selected points of the ‘Package for the timber industry’ announced by Climate and Environment Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska.

“We need multifaceted changes concerning forest management, affecting different social groups. In order to increase the protection of environmentally valuable and socially important areas, we also need to take care of the domestic wood industry”, stated the head of the Climate and Environment Ministry, Paulina Hennig-Kloska.

“The measures we are planning include increasing the percentage of the timber pool allocated to regular, proven, long-standing customers who are in constant cooperation with the State Forests. In this way, we give the economy, producers, processors stability. Another recommendation is to give more premiums for the sale of timber that will be processed to a greater extent in our country”, mentioned the Minister.

The package for the timber industry consists of:

An increase in the percentage of the wood pool allocated to regular, proven customers.

Greater premiums for the intensity of wood processing when selling – the more economically beneficial, advanced (deeper) the use of wood, the greater the premium.

Offered wood product tailored to the needs of Polish buyers, not foreign buyers e.g. from the Far East.

Pro-climate localisation – bonus for buyers processing timber closer to the place of harvest to avoid unnecessary CO2-generating irrational transport of timber.

Elimination of fraudulent buyers through effective control of how and where the timber is actually processed. Traders avoiding checks will not receive points.

Elimination of artificial demand for timber.

Greater stability and a more secure future, easier planning – introduction of a six-month timber contract option.

Transparency of timber sales – full disclosure of purchasers and value of contracts, including processing declarations.

Release to the industry of full-value, coarse timber that is used in the energy industry today.

Defining categories of energy wood.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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