Strona główna » Central Statistical Office: Life expectancy declined in Poland

Central Statistical Office: Life expectancy declined in Poland

 The Central Statistical Office (GUS) has published this year’s data on the women’s and men’s life expectancy. The latest data show that a 30-year-old should live until 76 years. For a 50-year-old, this limit moves to 78 years, and for a 70-year-old to 83 years. This means that the average life expectancy in Poland has decreased, compared to the statistics for 2020 and 2021.

Oskar Sobolewski from the Pension Institute points out that these demographic changes will have consequences in terms of paid pensions.

He wrote on Twitter: “Another reduction in life expectancy is bad news. The consequences of the excess number of deaths in 2021 can be seen there. The group of people who can be happy about this is future retirees, whose benefits from April 2022 to March 2023 will be higher.

Sobolewski explained that people who intend to retire in the near future can enjoy such statistics. After April 1, the capital collected by them will be divided into a smaller number of months, which means that the Social Insurance Institution will pay them a higher pension compared to the one that would be calculated so far.

In recent years, in Poland, it has been observed a systematic increase in life expectancy, which was negative for people who successively gained pension rights. The accumulated capital was divided into an increasing number of months. This trend was disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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