“There are only three steps separating us from a more secure and stable world: back Ukrainians with the ammo they urgently need; invest in our security to create a deterrence so powerful it dwarfs Putin and his cronies; deepen and widen our alliances to secure a lasting peace from a position of strength”, said Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski during a speech at the Atlantic Council think tank. He also warned that if Putin is not defeated, he will not stop at Ukraine.
“We need to take these steps not to escalate the war in Ukraine, but to prevent an even bigger global conflict, which is now coming closer and closer to our borders”, persuaded the head of Polish diplomacy.
“Even if you contest some of the arguments I present as a politician, I would very much ask you not to doubt that I also do not want my son to be sent to fight against Putin’s aggression. I want to deter and prevent such a situation”, stressed Radosław Sikorski, who at the beginning of his speech revealed that one of his and journalist Anne Applebaum’s sons is an American soldier.
The head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned against a policy of appeasement. “Appeasement may appear to be an easier path, but in reality, it is a blind alley”, he pointed out.
‘If America is unable to unite with Europe and allow Ukraine to push back Putin, I fear that our family of democratic nations will begin to fall apart. Allies will look for other ways to guarantee their security”, he added.
Adrian Andrzejewski