Strona główna » National Day of the Victorious Wielkopolska Uprising

National Day of the Victorious Wielkopolska Uprising

by Dignity News
27 December marks the national holiday National Day of the Victorious Wielkopolska Uprising. The holiday commemorates the victorious Polish uprising against the Germans in 1918-1919.

In September 2021, an appeal for the establishment of 27 December as a national holiday, supported by eight thousand signatures, was submitted to the President. The appeal was initiated by the Wielkopolska Museum of Independence, the National Museum in Poznań, the Kórnik Plant Foundation, the Poznań Branch of the Institute of National Remembrance, the Society for the Remembrance of the Wielkopolska Uprising 1918-1919 and the Association of Municipalities and Districts of Wielkopolska.

The holiday was introduced by the Act of 1 October 2021 on the establishment of the National Day of the Victorious Wielkopolska Uprising.

The Wielkopolska Uprising broke out on 27 December 1918 in Poznań. The insurgents’ victories were confirmed by the Truce of Trier, signed by Germany and the Entente states on 16 February 1919. The final victory was confirmed by the Treaty of Versailles signed on 28 June 1919, as a result of which almost all of Wielkopolska was returned to Poland.

On the eve of the main anniversary celebrations, a performance of Paderewski’s arrival in Poznan was staged at the Summer Railway Station in Poznan.

Ignacy Jan Paderewski arrived in Poznan on 26 December 1918, accompanied by his wife and officers of the Allied Mission. He was enthusiastically welcomed by crowds of Poles and transported to the Bazar Hotel. His visit contributed to the start of the Wielkopolska Uprising.

The central celebrations of the 105th anniversary of the outbreak of the Wielkopolska Uprising will begin with the laying of flowers on the grave of General Stanisław Taczak and Colonel Wincenty Wierzejewski at the Cemetery of the Wielkopolska Region’s Distinguished Service. Flowers will also appear at commemorative plaques dedicated to, among others, the uprising’s commanders, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and the first fallen insurgent, Franciszek Ratajczak.

A mass will be celebrated for the intentions of the Wielkopolska insurgents at Poznań’s parish church, followed by the main ceremonies and a flower-laying ceremony at the Wielkopolska insurgents’ monument.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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