Strona główna » First foreign trip of the new Prime Minister. Donald Tusk to meet the head of the European Commission in Brussels

First foreign trip of the new Prime Minister. Donald Tusk to meet the head of the European Commission in Brussels

by Dignity News
The new head of the Polish government Donald Tusk is representing Poland at the European Union-Western Balkans summit and the European Council summit in Brussels. A meeting with the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is scheduled for Friday.

The Government Information Centre (CIR) said that during the summit, the Prime Minister will meet with delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Serbia.

The meeting takes place on the eve of the European Council, which is due to adopt conclusions relating to the enlargement of the European Union. The progress of reforms made by the Western Balkan countries will be discussed, as well as cyber security and the fight against Russian disinformation. In addition, leaders will raise issues of economic integration, a green agenda for the region and migration management.

The main topics at the EU summit will be security issues, including further support for Ukraine, the current situation in the Middle East, as well as migration. Leaders will also discuss strengthening EU security and the defence capabilities of the European Union and its countries. This includes, in particular, increasing investment in the arms sector.

EU leaders at the European Council will review efforts to continue support for Ukraine.

Poland and Europe support Ukraine in financial, economic, humanitarian, military, and diplomatic terms. Further decisions in this regard will allow the European Union to provide sustained support for security, reconstruction, as well as pre-accession reforms in Ukraine.

On Friday, the new Prime Minister is due to meet with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The topic of the talks is expected to include the unblocking of money from the National Reconstruction Plan (KOP).

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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