Strona główna » Central Communication Port offering new replacement real estate for residents living on the site of the planned airport

Central Communication Port offering new replacement real estate for residents living on the site of the planned airport


The Central Communication Port (CPK) has acquired further real estate, which it will offer to interested residents from the area of the planned airport joining the Voluntary Acquisition Programme. This is the result of agreements signed by the company with the National Property Stock (KZN) and the National Agricultural Support Centre (KOWR).

“In the CPK investment programme, we have been focusing on dialogue with local residents from the beginning. I am glad that, thanks to the new properties donated to the company by KZN and KOWR, we will be able to continue this dialogue even more efficiently. This is a signal to all owners that we want to meet their expectations and we offer various forms of compensation”, said Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Government Plenipotentiary for CPK Marcin Horała.

Recently, there has been growing interest in the Voluntary Acquisition Programme. Almost 800 owners have already signed up to participate.  

An owner joining the Programme gets 140 % of the value of the building and 120 % of the value of the land. The new solution means that for a house worth PLN 1 million, the CPK company is able to pay PLN 1,400,000.  For the participants of the Programme, there are also other facilities and bonuses, not used so far during the implementation of other infrastructure investments in Poland, e.g. CPK’s financing of the move and legal services for the entire procedure, as well as the possibility of using the property after the conclusion of the sales agreement.

To date, KZN has transferred a total of more than 26 ha of real estate to CPK. KOWR, meanwhile, has donated over 190 ha of land to CPK in the past year. Now, an additional 15 properties with a total area of almost 370 ha will go into CPK’s depository. The plots of land are located in eight municipalities within a 100-kilometre radius of the proposed CPK airport and will be offered to interested farmers joining the Programme for exchange. 

Adrian Andrzejewski

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