Strona archiwalna. Projekt został zakończony 29 marca 2024 r.
Strona główna » New blood pressure cuffs developed by Rzeszow scientists

New blood pressure cuffs developed by Rzeszow scientists

by Dignity News
Researchers from the University of Rzeszów (UR) have developed new utility designs of arm cuffs for measuring blood pressure.

Researchers from the College of Medical Sciences at the University of Rzeszów worked on the dimensions of blood pressure cuffs adapted to people with atypical upper limb dimensions. The project received nearly PLN 60,000 funding from the Podkarpackie Innovation Centre grant programme.

Dr Justyna Wyszyńska from UR said that an analysis of the arm cuffs for blood pressure monitors available on the market shows that the dimensions of the offered products are unsuitable for people with intellectual or physical disabilities.

“The anthropometric characteristics of such individuals differ significantly from those of healthy people. Based on our own observations and the results of our measurements, we identified the concept of creating new designs of shoulder cuffs dedicated to these people”, said Dr Wyszyńska.

The UR team of researchers conducted a series of precise anthropometric measurements among people with atypical upper limb dimensions. Based on them, they determined the optimal dimensions of arm cuffs that will be used to assess reliable blood pressure values.

“Our scientific project is a response to market demand. The direct addressees of our product are manufacturers of medical equipment, and the indirect addressees include providers of treatment, education and care services for people with intellectual or physical disabilities”, emphasised Dr Wyszyńska.

The solution of scientists from the University of Rzeszów was awarded the INTARG 2022 silver medal of the International Trade Fair of Inventions and Innovations.

Adrian Andrzejewski

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