Strona główna » More than 2.1 million refugees from Ukraine entered Poland

More than 2.1 million refugees from Ukraine entered Poland

The Border Guard announced on Tuesday, March 22 that since February 24, i.e. from the beginning of the Russian invasion, 2,141 million refugees have entered Poland from Ukraine with 274,000 people who left in the opposite direction, i.e. from Poland to Ukraine.

The Border Guard officers have observed a slight decrease in the daily number of entries to Poland. Yesterday, March 21, they received 30 thousand people, i.e. 11% less than the day before (33.8 thousand.). Today, on March 22, at 7.00 am, 3.9 thousand entered Poland which is 32% less than the day before.

Meanwhile, by Monday, March 21, nearly 200,000 PESEL identification numbers were issued for people from Ukraine. Janusz Cieszyński, deputy minister of digitization and government plenipotentiary for cybersecurity states that if such a pace will be continued or even increased, then on March 22, at the end of the day, the number should reach about a quarter of a million people.

On March 16, Polish offices began accepting applications for granting Ukrainian citizens PESEL numbers. According to the intention of the government, this solution will enable Ukrainian refugees to benefit from social assistance, medical care and the education system. It is also intended to facilitate starting work.

Refugees from Ukraine can obtain a PESEL number and set up a Trusted profile under a special Act. Refugees can apply for PESEL at any executive organization of each commune in Poland.

Adrian Andrzejewski





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