Strona główna » 60% of Polish companies in certain industries ready to hire Ukrainians

60% of Polish companies in certain industries ready to hire Ukrainians

Krzysztof Inglot, a founder of Personnel Service, estimates that the demand for workers in sectors such as agriculture and horticulture, HoReCa and tourism can be met thanks to the influx of 2 million Ukrainians to Poland for about six months.

Personnel Service has been specializing in comprehensive recruitment of employees for companies in Poland for over 10 years. The company has just published a new “Polish Labor Market Barometer 2022”. The survey was conducted in the first half of February, shortly before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

The report shows that entrepreneurs are expecting that the situation of their companies will worsen this year compared to the 2021. But before the war, the main reason for that was high inflation, indicated by 15% surveyed entrepreneurs. The second reason were legal and tax changes related to the Polish Deal (14%), higher costs of running a business and still COVID-19 (13% each). Only the next reason was the staff deficit.

Although the research was conducted before the outbreak of the war, experts from the Personnel Service believe that the influx of refugees triggered by the war may strengthen the trend in which labor supply is no longer the problem number one. According to the authors of the report, the situation will vary depending on the sector of the economy.

“This year, the demand for employees in sectors such as agriculture or horticulture, HoReCa and tourism can be satisfied. These sectors are able to secure the situation thanks to the influx of 2 million Ukrainians to Poland for approximately six months. After this time, we should see the effect of the ongoing transfer of some production from Russia and Ukraine to Poland – assesses Inglot.

Every fifth Polish company declares that it will employ workers from Ukraine. Most often it is entrepreneurs from the HoReCa industry (hotels, restaurants and catering) where up to 60% are planning to hire Ukrainians. The service business is in second place, where every third employer wants to employ staff from the East. They are followed by the companies from the production sector (28%) and construction (18%).

Arkadiusz Słomczyński order

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