Strona główna » 5,000 km of motorways and expressways in Poland in 2023

5,000 km of motorways and expressways in Poland in 2023


“This year, the length of the expressway network, i.e. motorways and express routes, will exceed 5,000 km”, announced the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). The expressway network already has 4886.6 km, including 1799.7 km of motorways (of which 465 km are concession sections) and 3086.9 km of expressways.

The investment plans of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) for 2023 assume that new 256 km of national roads will be available to drivers, that tenders will be issued for investments of 565 km and that contracts will be concluded for the construction of 295 km. 

“We are successively implementing the government’s investment plans, which, in terms of national roads, involve building a coherent transport system for the country. This year, we are planning to complete nearly 50 km of the A18 motorway, so that drivers will already be able to use the entire route from the German border to the A4. In addition, we are planning to open over 190 km of expressways. Drivers will benefit from sections of the S3, S7, S11, S14, S17, S52 and S61 as part of the Via Baltica international route”, said Infrastructure Minister Andrzej Adamczyk.

Investments on national roads will be carried out as part of the Government’s Programme for the Construction of National Roads until 2030, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 13 December 2022, as well as the Programme for the Construction of 100 Bypasses.

The Government’s Programme for the Construction of National Roads to 2030 (with an outlook to 2033) includes a list of investments on national roads worth PLN 294 billion, scheduled for implementation in the third decade of the 21st century, which has begun. The adoption of the Programme by the government, which is also connected with securing funding for the tasks included in it, allows tenders for new investments to be announced.

The programme for the Construction of 100 Bypasses for 2020-2030 assumes the implementation of 100 investments with a total length of approximately 820 km. Their value was initially estimated at around PLN 28 billion. 

Adrian Andrzejewski


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