Strona główna » 10 years of the Polish presence in the European Space Agency

10 years of the Polish presence in the European Space Agency

by Dignity News
The Ministry of Development and Technology hosted a conference summarising Poland’s 10 years membership in the European Space Agency (ESA).  The benefits of membership include contracts worth more than EUR 140 million, 300 cooperating entities, access to ground and space infrastructure, cooperation with national agencies and the largest space sector companies, the opportunity to develop indigenous technologies and a significant share in the supply chain of space projects

“Poland’s entry into ESA in 2012 created a number of opportunities for the development of the Polish space sector. Today, it is one of the most modern branches of Polish industry”, stressed Deputy Minister for Development and Technology Kamila Król at the opening of the conference ’10 years of the Polish membership in ESA – yesterday, today, tomorrow’.

Poland became the 20th member of the ESA in November 2012. Thanks to its participation in the ESA, Poland has a chance to develop in such an innovative field as space exploration. According to Grzegorz Wrochna, President of the Polish Space Agency, Poland’s entry into the ESA was a huge challenge and at the same time an opportunity which it has used well.

“It has opened up opportunities to establish contacts with new partners, as well as to develop technologies, exchange knowledge and experience with other member states. Poland also had a significant share in the supply chain of space projects”, Wrochna pointed out.

Among the participants of the anniversary conference was ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher. According to him, Poland’s 10 years membership in ESA have been a period of remarkable successes and a mutually beneficial partnership.

“Poland has a key role to play in space and has all the capabilities at its disposal. In return, it will benefit enormously from all that space can offer”, said Aschbacher.

Arkadiusz Słomczyński

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